Friday, November 09, 2007

One Stop Shop

On the corner of Hanna and Florida sits the One Stop. Yes, a convenient store. It has the normal convenient store things. Chips-galore, hot-dogs churning along aluminum piping, and every soda known to man. It also carries beer (a descent selection), wine (a surprisingly decent selection), and those little individual packets of every over-the-counter drug known to man. They sell cigarettes (including American Spirits), Nudie Magazines, and laundry soap. It is a convenient store, by name and definition. One Stop provides convenience for the every day little things one does not want to drive to Publix or Wal-Mart for.
I like One Stop. I like the guys who work there. Max is the guy you most often see. He's friendly, remembers your name, and fast. More often than not, I have purchased my goods while Max consoled a customer about some catastrophic event in the customer’s life. Husband’s cheating, relatives dying, and the likes. You see, Max has a degree in Psychology and likes to listen to people’s problems. He doesn't judge between the transients who use Florida Ave as the super-transient-highway, he doesn't make opinions about the women who come in with their purse dogs and faux Prada bags. He just listens. He analyzes. He recommends, but he does not judge.
Next time you need a cold Gatorade or a pack of smokes, head over to the One Stop. You may find convenience for your mind as well.


Urban Eater said...

Correction....KWIK STOP.

My bad.

lisacropman said...

Beginner violin

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